Source code for urlfix.urlfix

from import Sequence
import os
import re
import urllib.request
from urllib.request import Request
import tempfile
from urllib.error import URLError, HTTPError
import logging

log_format = "%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s"

log_filename = "urlfix_log.log"

log_level = logging.WARNING

    filename= log_filename,
    format = log_format,
    filemode = "w"

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)


[docs]def file_format(in_file): format_pattern = r'.+\.(\w+)' matches = re.findall(format_pattern, in_file) return matches[0] if len(matches) > 0 else ''
[docs]class URLFix(object): def __init__(self, input_file, output_file=None): """ :param input_file: Path to input_file :param output_file: Path to output_file """ self.input_file = input_file self.output_file = output_file # automatically detect input file format self.input_format = file_format(self.input_file)
[docs] def replace_urls(self, verbose=False, correct_urls=None, inplace=False): """ :param verbose Logical. Should you be notified of what URLs have moved? Defaults to False. :param correct_urls. A sequence of urls known to be correct. :param inplace. Flag for inplace update operation. :return Replaces outdated URL and writes to the specified file. It also returns the number of URLs that have changed. The latter is useful for tests. """ if self.input_format not in ("md", "txt", "rmd", "Rmd", "rst"): logger.error(f"File format {self.input_format} is not yet supported.") raise NotImplementedError(f"File format {self.input_format} is not yet supported.") else: pass link_text = "[^]]+" # Better markdown link matching taken from # http:// or https:// followed by anything but a closing paren actual_link = r"http[s]?://[^)|^\s|?<=\]]+" # Need to find more links if using double bracket Markdown hence define single md []() RegEx. single_md = r"\[([^]]+)\]\((http[s]?://[^\s|^\)]+)\)" combined_regex = fr"\[({link_text})\]\(({actual_link})\)\]\((http[s].*)\)|({single_md})" # Match only links in a text file, do not text that follows. # Assumes that links will always be followed by a space. final_regex = r"http[s]?://[^\s]+" if self.input_format in ["rst", "txt"] else combined_regex if self.output_file is None: if not inplace: logger.error("Please provide an output file to write to.") raise ValueError("Please provide an output file to write to.") else: # Get directory name from input file path output_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir=os.path.dirname(self.input_file), delete=False, mode="w") else: # if not all(os.path.exists(x) for x in [self.input_file, self.output_file]): for file_ in [self.input_file, self.output_file]: if not os.path.exists(file_): logger.error(f"Need both input and output files but {file_} does not exist.") raise FileNotFoundError(f"Need both input and output files but {file_} does not exist.") output_file = open(self.output_file, "w") number_moved = 0 number_of_urls = 0 with open(self.input_file, "r") as input_f, output_file as out_f: for line in input_f: matched_url = re.findall(final_regex, line) # Drop empty strings if self.input_format in ["md", "rmd", "Rmd"]: matched_url = [list(str(x) for x in texts_links if x != '') for texts_links in matched_url] for link_texts in matched_url: if len(link_texts) > 1: link_texts = link_texts[1:] # This is used because for some reason we match links twice if single md []() # This isn't ideal # TODO: Use better Regular Expression that matches the target links at once matched_url = list(filter(lambda x: ("https" or "http") in x, link_texts)) if len(matched_url) == 0: # If no URL found, write this line so it is kept in the output file. out_f.write(line) pass else: for final_link in matched_url: number_of_urls += 1 if isinstance(correct_urls, Sequence) and final_link in correct_urls: # skip current url if it's in 'correct_urls'"{final_link} is already valid.") continue # This printing step while unnecessary may be useful to make sure things work as expected if verbose:"Found {final_link} in {}, now validating.. ") try: visited_url = urllib.request.urlopen( Request(final_link, headers={'User-Agent': 'XYZ/3.0'})) url_used = visited_url.geturl() except HTTPError as err: # Put HTTPError before URLError to avoid issues with inheritance # This may be useful for 4xxs, 3xxs if we get past the URLError logger.warning(f"{final_link} not updated, got HTTP error code: {err.code}.") #warnings.warn(f"{final_link} not updated, got HTTP error code: {err.code}.") pass except URLError as err: logger.warning(f"{final_link} not updated. Reason: {err.reason}") #warnings.warn(f"{final_link} not updated. Reason: {err.reason}") # Must be a way to skip, for now rewrite it in there pass else: if url_used != final_link: number_moved += 1 line = line.replace(final_link, url_used) if verbose:"{final_link} replaced with {url_used} in {}") out_f.write(line) information = "URLs have changed" if number_moved != 1 else "URL has changed""{number_moved} {information} of the {number_of_urls} links found in {self.input_file}") # We leave this print message here as it is fairly useful print(f"{number_moved} {information} of the {number_of_urls} links found in {self.input_file}") if inplace: os.replace(, self.input_file) if verbose:"Renamed temporary file {output_file} as {self.input_file}") return number_moved