Source code for urlfix.dirurlfix

from .urlfix import URLFix, file_format
import os
import logging 

log_level = logging.DEBUG
log_filename = "dirurlfix_log.log"
log_format = "%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s"

    filename= log_filename,
    format = log_format,
    filemode = "w"

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)


[docs]def replace_urls_root(in_dir, recursive=False, sub_recursive=False, **kwargs): """ :param in_dir: Input directory :param recursive: Bool, should URLs be replaced in sub-directories if they exist? :param kwargs: Other arguments to URLFix.replace_urls :param sub_recursive: Bool, should URLs be replaced sub-recursively? Defaults to False. :return: Files with outdated links validated/replaced, as requested. """ for root, sub_dirs, root_files in os.walk(in_dir): number_moved = [] # Hold results if root_files: # sort root files such that changes are OS independent root_files = sorted(root_files) for root_file in root_files: root_file = os.path.join(in_dir, root_file) if file_format(root_file) not in ["md", "txt"]:"{root_file} is of an unsupported file format, skipping...") continue if '_output' in root_file:"File {root_file} is a fix of another file") continue # skip output files if "inplace" in kwargs and kwargs["inplace"]: number_moved.append(URLFix(root_file).replace_urls(**kwargs)) else: output_file = root_file.replace(f'.{file_format(root_file)}', f'_output.{file_format(root_file)}') if os.path.exists(output_file):"File already fixed: {root_file}") continue # skip file that's already been fixed with open(output_file, 'w'): pass # create an empty output file number_moved.append(URLFix(root_file, output_file).replace_urls(**kwargs)) if sub_dirs: if not recursive: use_grammar = "sub-directory" if len(sub_dirs) == 1 else "sub-directories" logger.warning(f"Found {use_grammar} {','.join(sub_dirs)} but recursion was set to False, exiting..") # This might be useful but maybe user can see what happened in log file instead #warn(f"Found {use_grammar} {','.join(sub_dirs)} but recursion was set to False, exiting..") else: for sub_dir in sub_dirs: # Create full paths to sub directories full_sub_dir_path = os.path.join(in_dir, sub_dir) # Add verbosity"Now updating files in {full_sub_dir_path}") # Create new dirurlfix object and recurse # If sub directories, sub-recurse in this sub directory, currently set to one level number_moved.append(replace_urls_root(full_sub_dir_path, recursive=sub_recursive, **kwargs)) # print('All files have been updated, thank you for using urlfix.') # To flatten or not? For now, do not flatten so we know that the second and next are non-root replacements return number_moved
[docs]class DirURLFix(object): """ Replace Outdated URLs given a directory of files. """ def __init__(self, input_dir, recursive=False, sub_recursive=False): """ :param input_dir: Path to input_dir. :param recursive: Should links be replaced in sub directories? defaults to False :param sub_recursive: Bool, should URLs be replaced sub-recursively? Defaults to False """ self.input_dir = input_dir self.recursive = recursive self.sub_recursive = sub_recursive
[docs] def replace_urls(self, **kwargs): if not os.path.exists(self.input_dir): logger.error("Path does not exist!") raise OSError("Path does not exist!") if not os.path.isdir(self.input_dir): logger.error("Input path must be a directory!") raise NotADirectoryError("Input path must be a directory!") return replace_urls_root(in_dir=self.input_dir, recursive=self.recursive, sub_recursive=self.sub_recursive, **kwargs)